Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Come and visit

Come on over and visit me at Marilyn Meredith’s blog. I’ll be there today, March 20th and tomorrow the 21st. Feel free to leave a comment, I’d love to meet you.

Marilyn Meredith                                      

Monday, March 18, 2013

I'm visiting on Marian's blog today

I'm a  guest today. Come by and visit!

Stop By and Visit

Join me today as author Marian Lanouette has graciously invited me for a visit.
My novel Trove, is a story layered with rich sub-plots and intrigues that keeps your mind involved as your fingers turn the page. As one reviewer stated: “Trove has so many facets: as the story unfolds, the richer the tale becomes.”

Stop by and find out more:

Feel free to leave a comment. I look forward to “seeing” you!


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Is it a Lava Tube?

Photo is of the Thurston Lava Tube – Hawaii Volcanoes National Park/USGS
Lava Tubes
Have any of you walked through a lava tube? I was lucky enough to have had the experience while visiting Volcanoes National Park on the Big Island of Hawaii. There was an eerie and otherworldly feeling that settled over me as I walked the slanted pathway. When you add the cool ambient atmosphere, you’re talking a prime setting for a mystery.

Lava tubes are created when molten lava flows cool and crust over forming near solid walls and roofs. I say near solid because lava rock is porous. Pick up a piece of lava rock and you’ll noticed the pock-marked surface. The rock is honey-combed with nooks and crannies reminiscent of a certain brand of English muffin.
In my novel Trove, mythologist Katie Walsh finds herself in a long tunnel that leads from the coast into the heart of the mountain. She wonders if it is in-fact a lava tube. The geology of the Isle of Skye reveals that the Isle was formed by ancient volcanoes so she surmises she is correct. Katie has only the limited illumination of a flashlight to help guide her, but she questions exactly what the tunnel is when the light reveals something not noticed before.

Join Katie as she journeys inward and upward through the tunnel and find out what she discovers as nears the top of the  mountain. Her trove forms the basis of the subsequent volumes in The Katie Walsh Mysteries.

It all starts here!

Trove is now available in print and on Kindle.

